
Entry Tanala
Part of speech name (ethnonym)
Explanations in Malagasy Foko lehibebe, mitoetra amin' ny tany misy ny havoanan' Ikongo rakotr' ala izay manapaka azy hatrany avaratra ka hatrany atsimo, ary voafaritry ny tanin' ny Betsileo, andrefana; ny Betsimisaraka sy ny Antambahoaka, sy ny Antaimoro ary ny Antaifasy, atsinanana, ary ny ony Manampatrana, atsimo; mivelona amin' ny vokatry ny ala ny Tanala; tanàn-dehibe: Ambohimanga atsimo, Ivohibe, Ifanadiana [1.1]
Explanations in English The dwellers in the forests. [1.2]
Explanations in French Populations forestières du sud-es [...] [full text in 1.5]
Tables and plates Dialectal words

Updated on 2023/08/12